Seeklocal is the search engine for local shopping. Get the most out of your shopping and browse millions of products on sale in nearby stores. Search for products, compare prices, receive discount alerts, review your favorite products and find store directions. Instantly find the products you are looking for at the best price. No more walking from store to store to check availability or to price check, SeekLocal shows you all the products and prices from nearby stores.
With 9 million products from thousands of local stores to browse through, Seeklocal is your local shopping partner, giving you access to all the products, all the prices and all the latest reviews from your favorite brands everywhere.
Best local features:
- Search millions of products from thousands of nearby stores
- Compare the sale prices of your favourite items
- Sort and filter by distance and price
- View product information for more than 9 million items
- Browse related items on sale nearby
- Save items to your favourites list
- Receive location based alerts from nearby stores
- Redeem deals that match your favourite list
- Create and share in app reviews of the best products
*** Top stores ***
- Mimco
- Cotton On
- Sportsgirl
- Dusk
- Mecca Cosmetica
- Alannah Hill
- The Body Shop
- David Jones
- And many, many more
Download SeekLocal today and enjoy the ultimate local shopping experience!
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